We know how important great photography is to your brand. Take advantage of our talented conference photographer, Mindy Lundy Kramer, and get some updated photos while you’re in Denver. Choose from headshots, lifestyle photos, or – the best value – a combined headshot/lifestyle session.
Mindy is offering special pricing for The Photo Managers! Don’t miss this opportunity to get professional photos at these prices. Booking, payment, and photo delivery is done through Mindy and her company, 20 Degrees Media. Scroll down to see samples of Mindy’s work.
Lifestyle photos can be used on your website and social media channels and show you at work and in your element. Feel free to bring some small props to Denver if you choose this type of shoot. These can include a photo book, a stack of photos or slides, your laptop, etc. You can even enlist a colleague to act as a client to capture that relationship. Mindy will provide details about how to look your best for photo shoots.