A few years ago I took the time to sort and organize thousands of printed photos from our pre-digital days, that I rescued from our plastic bins. And now they are archived and safely stored, patiently waiting to be remembered and enjoyed.
This quote reminded me once again, that it’s not enough to just sort and organize. If our stories are to be told and remembered then we have to share them!
I also recognize how overwhelming it feels to get started. I have grand visions of a photo book for each year of our family life and that may happen one day…but I need a simple plan for now.
Can you relate?
I’m going to use the same plan I gave my daughter years ago when she had to complete a scrapbook about her life for a grade 8 project.
She picked 5 or 6 themes to work with and then selected photos for each theme. For example, one of those themes was ‘here comes trouble’ which contained funny photos of her little brother through the years. Another theme was ‘I am loved’ with pictures of her grandparents and cousins. Simple, but effective!
Working in themes took away the pressure of creating a chronological timeline and she was able to enjoy the process while getting her album done quickly.
If you are stuck or overwhelmed and need a little nudge to get started, pick a few themes about your life, gather your favorite photos and get them into a photo book or album of choice.
What themes would you have in your album?
When Lisa Kurtz lost her mother, grandmother, aunt, and uncle in three years, she was left holding a box of unidentified photographs with nobody to ask about them. Lisa embarked on a lifelong quest to discover and preserve her mom’s story, for herself and her kids, which led her to a career in professional photo organizing. Today, Lisa is the Founder of Pix & TALES with her daughter and together they help busy moms manage their pictures and tell their family stories.
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