The Photo Managers Academy
Frequently Asked Questions
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What is my username and password?
You should have received a new username and password by email. If you didn’t or can’t find it, email support@thephotomanagers.com.
What if the user and name and password you sent me doesn’t work?
Email support@thephotomanagers.com.
Is my username and password the same as what I use for thephotomanagers.com?
No, your username is the email we have for your TPM membership. The password we sent you is newly generated for this login. Once you log in, you can update the password to anything you like.
Do I still have access to all the courses I previously purchased through the Photo Organizers Academy?
Yes, they have all been moved to the new Academy website. The only difference is your progress status will show as 0% since we couldn’t retain that information.
A course I’ve already been working on or have completed says 0% progress! What should I do?
Simply fast forward through the course to the spot you left off. Fast forward any video to the end to activate the completion bar.
For the professional certification course, you will need to re-do the quizzes after each section. These quizzes are simple reviews that you should be able to complete easily in just a few minutes.
What if I am only partway through the certification modules?
Make note of where you left off before Monday, 5/10 so you can fast forward to that spot when you log in to the new Academy. Don’t worry about taking the quizzes again if they’ve reset; we don’t track your module/quiz progress or results – that’s on the honor system!
Why am I enrolled in the Building Blocks of Digital Photo Organizing?
This course is an added benefit to membership and you have been enrolled for FREE. We know that many of you join without a basic understanding of Digital Photo Organizing, which results in a lack of confidence and feeling overwhelmed. You have questions: where do I begin? What software is best? What courses should I buy? This course gives you the knowledge to tackle digital photo organizing projects immediately. All current members through April 30, 2021 were enrolled for FREE. The course is a $399 value!
Why did you make changes to the academy?
We moved the Academy from our original platform to our membership system to help streamline the user experience.
Contact our support team anytime at support@thephotomanagers.com. We will reply within one business day.