Reply To: Camera Scanned Documents to PDF

Forums Scanning Camera Scanned Documents to PDF Reply To: Camera Scanned Documents to PDF

Chris Southard

    @Adam — I agree and will use tiff files.

    I was trying to figure out a more efficient workflow instead of having to go into Parallels…

    So I created a ‘Quick Action’ that will convert images to PDF via Quartz PDCreate (built in to Automator)

    In comparison for 22 tiff files converted via the Quick Action it yields a pdf file of around 4 GB. Using Adobe Acrobat 9.5.5 I am getting a pdf file of 50 Mb.

    Granted I like the smaller file size but is the larger one “better”? What do you think…should I take the extra few minutes and use Adobe Acrobat for a smaller size? or the convenience of doing it via my main OS?

