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Emily Steward

    Hi, All!


    I’m Emily Steward, a 24 y/o pro photographer based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’ve owned my own business for 8 years now and began shooting when I was 15 🙂 I’ve always been in love with stories and people, and I use my skills to help my clients celebrate their relationships!


    My grandfather recently passed away :(. When I was at my grandmother’s house, there were ziplock bags in boxes full of photos from the 1900’s. I spent an evening going through them and realized that had no organization and it was quite a mess, but a beautiful one with all of my family history. I had a thought… “I bet a lot of people have lots of unorganized collections of photos and don’t even know where to begin because it’s so intimidating, and most people don’t even know how to scan, etc.” I talked with some family members about the idea and they all thought it was fantastic. I posted on facebook to see if there would even be any interest in this type of service, and I had so much interest I didn’t even know what to do with, especially from people I didn’t even know!


    And thus I found the Photo Managers.


    I am wanting to jump into working with clients as quickly as I can. I am devoted to learning efficient and proven methods of organization and “celebration” (that’s my business buzz word 🙂 ) before charging my first client. I want to honor, value, and respect the unique family histories that each person possess, treating it like my own family history.


    I am so excited to be a part of this community and I can’t wait to help people celebrate and enjoy their photos again through my services.

