Frequently Asked Questions
Click each question to expand the answer.
Your Account Details
How do I access my account details?
You can access your member account details by clicking the “Account” item in the main navigation of the website. You can also click here.
What are all the items I see in the "Your Member Account" section?
In your account, you have access to recent orders you’ve made on this site, details about your membership, your subscription, your address, payment methods and account details. You can also log out of your account from this screen as well.
How does my account work?
Access to The Photo Managers™ website is granted through your membership. When you membership expires you will no longer have access to the protected content on the website. You maintain your membership and keep it active by renewing your membership subscription based on whichever plan you have (either a Professional or Certified membership billed quarterly or annually).
If your membership subscription expires, you will still have access to your account to either renew or purchase a new membership plan, at which point you will regain access to the protected content of The Photo Managers™.
How do I update my credit card on file?
To add payment methods:
- Navigate to your account in the main navigation and click “Payment Methods.” You can also just click here.
- Click the “Add payment method” button to add a new card on file:
- Enter your new card details on the next screen and click the “Add payment method” button when done. You can also optionally check the box to make the new card the payment method used for your recurring subscription:
Please note: you can not update the details of a card on file. To update the details of an existing card on file, add it as a new card and then delete the previous card.
How do I update my address on file?
- Navigate to your account in the main navigation and click “Addresses.” You can also just click here.
- Click the “Edit” link for either your Billing or Shipping address that you’d like to edit, change your address details, and click the “Save address” button at the bottom of the page.
How do I update my password or email address?
To update your password or email address:
- Navigate to your account in the main navigation and click “Account details.” You can also just click here.
- Navigate to the email address field or password change fields and enter the new information then click the “Save changes” button at the bottom.
I forgot my password. How can I reset it without logging in?
To reset your password if you forgot it:
- Click the “Log In” button in the main Navigate to bring up the login screen.
- Click the “Lost your password?” link at the bottom of the login box. You can also just click here.
- Enter your username or email in the next box and click the “Reset password” button. You’ll receive an email with instructions directing you to a new page to reset your password:
How can I cancel my membership subscription?
If you decide to cancel your membership subscription, you will retain member access until your subscription expires (your next renewal date). To cancel your membership subscription:
- Navigate to your account, in the main navigation of the website, and click the “My Subscription” link.
- Click the “Cancel” button:
Have Other Questions?
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If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, the best way to reach customer support or our executive team is by emailing support@thephotomanagers.com or filling out the form below.
We are a small team of real people! We’ll do our best to respond within 24 hours during the normal business week.