In the third of her three-part series about the importance of preserving family history, Lyn Jackson of Every Story Media explains why legacy videos are the best way to save stories and connect generations.
First, A Short Recap
- Your family stories and traditions are valuable.
- You understand how important it is to save and share these intangibles now, and for future generations.
- You’ve decided you want to capture and preserve your stories — or have your parents, grandparents or other loved ones record their stories.
- You’ve looked through a lifetime of photo albums and sorted boxes of old pictures.
- You’ve taken notes and have a pretty clear idea of what you want to relate – or what your parents and/or grandparents to share.
- NOW is the time to decide what to do with all that you’ve collected and how to put it all together.
Vive la Difference: Video
Clearly there are many ways to save and share your family history. So why, at Every Story Media, do we use – and love – video to help you preserve your stories and recommend that you do the same? It’s pretty simple. Video is the only medium that captures sight, sound, motion and emotion – the actual essence of the person being interviewed.
Video brings your loved ones to life. It captures their spirit and personality. It’s quicker and easier than writing a book and everyone can do it! It’s fun and rewarding to talk about yourself and your life and to tell stories. And it means so much to those who get to listen to those stories long after you’re gone.
Gift Love
To have the opportunity to forever see the mannerisms and the facial expressions of a loved one, to hear the tone of their voice, speech patterns, and especially their laughter and the sparkle in their eyes; this is a rare and special gift. While you’re listening to their stories, feel their emotion and the totality of who they are, as if you’re actually together again, now and forever.
Video is unique in its ability to capture and preserve the heart and soul of those who choose to share their lives, and to tell their stories, values, and traditions. It’s only with video that you can see them smile, hear them laugh, and watch them tell their personal/family history in the inimitable way that only they can.
[bctt tweet=”Take the time now to record your stories & those of family-no matter where, when, or how. @everystorymedia” username=”photoorganizers”]
Your Legacy Video Choice: DIY or Professional
As we always say at Every Story Media, “Something is better than nothing and there’s no one right way to save and share your stories.” But please get started as soon as possible one way or another.
Make it easy on yourself—consider hiring a professional. Future generations will be watching, and they will thank you! Great sound, lighting, framing, editing, music and graphics will make a difference. Video production companies that specialize in creating family story heirlooms help simplify the process, making sure that it’s fun for all!
Professionals help you get done in a timely manner what you might otherwise put off for years, maybe even until it’s too late. Family legacy videos grow more precious and valuable over time. It is a gift of love that keeps on giving forever.
One Moment That Changed Many Lives from Every Story Media on Vimeo.
The Best Things in Life Aren’t Things
Our lives are so busy that we sometimes lose sight of what’s right in front of us and what’s most important. There are few things more precious than love, stories, traditions, and sharing our memories and our lives with family and friends. These are a much more important legacy than any possessions we may own or even a financial inheritance.
Recent studies show much higher happiness rates among those who purchase experiences, rather than things. After the death of a loved one, it is the stories, that have the deepest meaning and provide us the most comfort. Family history is ultimately the most valuable “thing” we can pass along.
If we fail to record our history, it too will disappear.
Fortunately, some of us “get it” even before we experience a death…but it’s not always that simple or that easy. For many reasons, most of us don’t ever record the stories of those we love – or our own. Regret comes later as the wish that we’d captured and preserved those stories.
So take the time now to record your stories and those of beloved family or friends—no matter where, when, or how.
Just do it! Remember, something is better than nothing. Jot down some stories in a notebook, identify and label photos, tape yourself on a cell phone, do an audio recording… or hire a professional.
Ellen Goodman’s message is eternal.
“What the next generation will value most is not what we owned, but the evidence of who we were and the tales of how we lived. In the end, it’s the family stories that are worth the storage.”
This is part three of a three-part series.
Part one of series: The Ultimate Gift: Your Life – Your Family Stories. Why your family stories, values and traditions are the ultimate gift and why it’s so important to capture and preserve these stories.
Part two of series: Photographs: Form and Function of Legacy Videos. Specific tips to help you begin the process of preserving you family stories on video.
If you need help organizing and preserving your lifetime of photos, videos and keepsakes, find a photo organizer near you at the Association of Personal Photo Organizers.
Lyn Jackson, founder/president of Every Story Media, is an award-winning journalist, former television news reporter/anchor and documentary and public affairs producer. Throughout her career, Jackson has focused on people and their stories and created Every Story Media – a boutique production company – to help individuals, families and businesses preserve their rich history and life stories on video.
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