Getting your printed photos organized starts with gathering everything into one place. Designate a space that becomes the “gathering place” or “memory place”.
Next, set up a small table, place two or three large storage boxes beneath the table, and begin to hunt for your photos. Most likely, you will find them still in the envelopes from the one-hour photo lab you once frequented or stuffed into drawers and shoe boxes in your attic or basement. While searching don’t start sorting yet or reminiscing! If you do, you will quickly become overwhelmed. There will be time for that later.
I love this quote by Creighton Abrahms, “When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.”
That is how you should view photo organizing, just take it one photo, one memory at a time.
Pioneer of the Photo-Life Management Industry, Cathi Nelson is the founder of the Association of Personal Photo Organizers, an association that trains individuals who specialize in helping consumers and businesses rescue their irreplaceable film and digital photos, organizing them in a way that makes it simple to share their memories, lives and traditions. Since its inception, APPO has grown to include hundreds of members throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and United Kingdom.
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