Let Go of the Camera

Let Go of the Camera

On October 9, 2012, my sister passed away following a two-year battle with cancer. It was while responding to my niece’s request for pictures of her mother that I realized, for the first time in my lifetime as self-appointed family photographer, there is one...
The Poster Child for Archiving, Part 1

The Poster Child for Archiving, Part 1

by Vikki Salmela Can you imagine living through two fires and a grand theft in one life time?  What are the odds?  Yet this is exactly what happened to a client of mine, Joy.  And even still, she admits, she’s been putting off taking care of what really is the only...
Where are Your Summer Memories?

Where are Your Summer Memories?

by Elaine Johnson If you are like most of us, you began your summer with the hopes of taking a family vacation, long weekends away, spending a day at the beach or with family, or throwing a killer outdoor party.  In addition, I’m sure you all had your cameras...
Journaling Heritage Photos

Journaling Heritage Photos

Telling the story of a heritage photo is probably the most difficult. And what exactly is a heritage photo anyway? Old. Really old.These photos are especially important as our children are growing up. That dreaded year of elementary school is bound to come. Your child...