Overwhelmed by your photos?
We can help.
We are the resource for people who want to organize their photos and share their stories. We can also help you turn your love of photos into a business.

Have a Photo
Manager Help
The Photo Managers is a community of professionals who are passionate about helping their clients manage photo collections and tell their stories. Whether you need help with organizing, scanning, converting old media, or creative ways to share, we can help!

Become a
Photo Manager
The need for Professional Photo Managers is exploding! If photos are your passion, we can help you make it your profession! Whether you are considering a full-time career or looking to supplement your current income doing what you love, we are the leading educational community supporting professionals around the world.
Photo Manager in Training Program
Are you ready to regain control of your photo chaos? Are you tired of thinking, someday I will learn to do this myself? Then we have the resources to support you and we will help you each step of the way.

In Photo Organizing Made Easy: Going from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed, Cathi Nelson, founder of The Photo Managers, shares her doable steps and insider secrets to help you organize, maintain, and most importantly, enjoy your photos.
In each chapter you’ll learn how to tackle the challenges of time and technology, receive access to trusted resources when you need a helping hand, and benefit from expert advice. Get the book on Amazon (e-book or paperback).
Already have the book? Get the downloads here:
Industry leaders, Cathi Nelson and Jill B. Yesko lend their expertise to help you transform your photo organizing business.
In A Business Roadmap for Professional Photo Organizers, Cathi and Jill draw from their professional know-how to offer clear guidance on how to avoid major roadblocks, grow and become profitable. They will show you how to make and execute a plan and will shepherd you every step of the way.
Whether you are starting out or have an established operation, Cathi and Jill provide all the information you will need in order to create and run a successful business. A Business Roadmap for Professional Photo Organizers is an ideal reference book for anyone looking to join the photo management industry.

We Also Help
Photo management is critical for businesses as well as families. Your organization can hire a certified professional to help you organize, backup, and streamline your workflow to keep on top of your growing photo collections.