CEO and Co-Founder Heather Nickerson recently joined Cathi Nelson to talk about digital legacy management with Artifcts. The Photo Managers were thrilled to welcome Artifcts as a partner company and spotlight its features at the 2023 annual conference.

These days, memories frequently find their place in pixels and cloud storage, posing a challenge to preserving our cherished moments. Heather Nickerson, the visionary Co-Founder and CEO of Artifcts introduces an inventive platform that seamlessly connects the tangible and the intangible. This service provides a means to capture, preserve, and share the stories intricately woven around our most beloved possessions.


Artifcts transcends traditional photo management. It goes beyond being a mere digital photo album, allowing users to weave rich narratives around each image, complete with audio, video, and the flexibility to edit and evolve over time.


Diverse Applications of Artifcts


From personal anecdotes to unexpected uses in inventory tracking, Artifcts has many diverse applications. Professional organizers, photo managers, and senior move managers leverage the platform to catalog and track items, adding a layer of personal touch to static images.


Preserving Legacies Securely


Heather is well-known among photo managers as the leading expert in privacy and security. Many benefit from her online Privacy Advocate Training course. As in all of Heather’s work, privacy and security take center stage in Artifcts. The platform ensures the information remains private until users choose to share it. QR codes to add an extra layer of accessibility, allowing future generations to unlock the stories behind each artifact effortlessly.


Freemium Model with Heart


Artifcts operates on a freemium model, making the first five artifacts free for all users. Explore subscription levels designed to accommodate diverse user needs, with discounts available, ensuring accessibility for everyone. Artifcts also has partnerships with AARP and Heritage Options. These collaborations contribute to downsizing, estate planning, and insurance valuation.

A Digital Legacy, One Artifact at a Time


Artifcts is more than just a tool—it’s part of a passionate journey to help individuals, photo managers, organizers, and estate planners preserve their family history and tell their stories uniquely. In a world inundated with digital noise, Artifcts encourages all to connect with our past in a meaningful and secure way. Our legacies are more than data points; they are stories waiting to be told and cherished.



Watch the full video on YouTube to learn more about Artifcts.